Wayne L. Winston
🥂Wayne received a bachelor’s in math from M.I.T. and a Ph.D. in management science from Yale. He taught management science and statistics at Indiana’s nationally ranked Kelly School of Business. 201-2017. He has won over 40 teaching awards, including the award as the best teacher in the M.B.A. program six times. Professor Winston has written over 15 books including 6 editions of a bestselling Excel book (Data Analysis and Business Modeling with Excel), best-selling Operations research book (Operations Research), co-authored a bestselling management science book (Practical Management Science), wrote 3 books for Palisade on Monte Carlo Simulation, a best-selling sports analytics book (Mathletics), and a 5 star reviewed book on marketing analytics (Marketing Analytics). He has taught analytics at many organizations including Microsoft, EBAY, Cisco, GM, Ford, Hoosier Energy, Deloitte, PWC, US Army, US Navy, Eli Lilly, Central Power, JP Morgan, Intel, Bristol Myers, and Pfizer. With his colleague Jeff Sagarin he has consulted in analytics for Microsoft, the Knicks and the Mavericks. Finally he is a two-time Jeopardy! Champion. Wayne has 60+ hours of videos on excel and analytics on excelwithwayne.com.
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